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Black Door Realty Group, LLC
Black Door Realty Group, LLC
Tish Pacini, Black Door Realty Group, LLCPhone: (508) 326-4309
Email: admin@blackdoorrealtygroup.com

Tag: Homebuyers

The Pros & Cons of Higher Down Payments: What Homebuyers Should Consider
Posted on 05/09/2022
The Pros & Cons of Higher Down Payments: What Homebuyers Should Consider
Buying a home requires extensive financial planning. While the widely accepted standard for down payments has been 20% of the purchase price for decades, many are wondering if that’s still required. In reality, there are ways to qualify for a mortgage with less than 20% down payment—even some options without a down payment at all. However, there are...
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Understanding Real Estate Contingency Types
Posted on 12/27/2021
Understanding Real Estate Contingency Types
In a home sale, there are many types of contingencies that might appear in the purchase contract. These special clauses provide ways for the buyer to back out of the sale if various conditions aren’t met. All contingencies are there to protect the buyer rather than the seller, but are usually up for negotiation depending on contract terms....
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