Ignite FB Tracking PixelTag: Property Taxes - Tish Pacini
Black Door Realty Group, LLC
Black Door Realty Group, LLC
Tish Pacini, Black Door Realty Group, LLCPhone: (508) 326-4309
Email: [email protected]

Tag: Property Taxes

Posted on 05/13/2024
Must-know facts about property taxes
Millions of homeowners dedicate their income to mortgage...
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Posted on 11/27/2023
A seller's guide to capital gain on real estate
Among the myriad costs associated with selling a home,...
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Posted on 08/14/2023
Basic guide to property tax deferment
In some states, qualified homeowners can use a property...
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Posted on 06/19/2023
New homeowners: A guide to tax breaks & deductions
Buying a house is one of the largest purchases made within...
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Posted on 05/02/2022
What is PITI? Understanding your financial situation
PITI, which is short for "principal, interest, taxes and insurance," is an essential term to know for anybody seeking a mortgage loan. The acronym refers to the relationship between these four numbers expressed in a ratio and can tell lenders about your financial status. Here is a breakdown of the term and why it matters to potential homeowners...
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